12th Sep, 2016

Academic Orientation

This is my second post about Freshmen Enrichment Program at Bina Nusantara University. The second step of FEP is the Academic Orientation.

The Academic Orientation (AO) is a simulation of classes that we will attend during we learn at BINUS University. My class, LB07 is being taught by Lecturer Yohan Muliono. He is a very funny person that has a huge sense of humor. He taught us in a small class. It was really fun learning coding with him. He is taught us greatly and we also got a few sites to learn about coding from Mr. Saka, our Head of Division. We learned a lot of things during Academic Orientation such as, Pseudocode, algorithms, C Language, coding, etc.

Well, I don’t really know what should I share, but I’m greatful that I found good friends. 1 thing I really learned is that we need to study real hard and strive forward.

Final words, I appreciate for your attention.

Thank you very much

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